a celebration of one family's Imagine-Nation!

January 16, 2010

January 15, 2010

Sweet and easy 'how to' - FLOWER HAT

While shopping for winter hats or (touques) as we call them in Canada, for my girls I came across a lovely flower hat, that was way too expensive for our budget. So I decided to make my own. Here is the sweet and easy how to for a flower hat that is sure to brighten even the darkest of winer days.

January 8, 2010

CREATING TRADITION: Felty New Year's Crown

Tradition...It is fitting that the very first post on the imaginative family blog focuses on creating traditions in the family. This is one way we celebrate tradition at the Miller home. Every day before New Years my daughters and I get out the scrap felt box, the glue gun, the sewing machine, and start each year by using our imagination. We put together felt crowns and wear them with pride to our new years events. Spreading creativity and smiles to all the winter revelers we meet. This year Lily made a princess and Maizy a puppy to wear proudly on their heads. The fun part for me is the collection of home-made new year's crowns proudly displayed on our mantle that grow in size and color each year. What traditions do you create with your family?

Check out for a great tutorial!

January 5, 2010

Welcome to our family's imagination. From building princess castles with industrial tubes, or home-made hula hoops with irrigation pipes we you hope enjoy and help share in the building of the Imagine-Nation one child (little & big) at a time.

photo credit
Craig McCollum